chikitsa shaastr example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Unlike professions such as medicine or law which require a practicing doctor or lawyer to possess valid degrees, nowhere in the world is it mandatory for a manager to possess any such specific degree.
Tea came to Europe only in the sixteenth century and was drunk more as medicine than as beverage.
The different systems of medicine developed in different cultures are based on these models.
A new discipline called Behaviour Medicine has emerged, which seeks to alleviate stress due to diseases through modification in behaviour.Transliterated examples :
1. 1575 Paré, hygiaine; Greek hugieinon "health" of hugiês "healthy, healthy" ? 1 Part of medicine that deals with measures to maintain and improve health Set of principles and practices relating to this 2. 201), the medical doctrine of humors theory has played a leading role in the history of medicine until the late eighteenth century about 3. After a stay in Granada and Seville, he went to Christian Spain, in Toledo, where he practiced medicine 4. Ambitious and self-taught, he passes the baccalaureate and succeeds in Kristiania then tries lamely studied medicine which he gave up soon 5. And although he obtained his medical degree at Harvard, he was unable to practice medicineGiven are the examples of hindi word chikitsa shaastr usage in english sentences. The examples of chikitsa shaastr are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., medicine.
Manuscripts dealt with all kinds of subjects: religious beliefs and practices, the lives of kings, medicine and science.पाण्डुलिपियों में धार्मिक मान्यताओं व व्यवहारों, राजाओं के जीवन, औषधियों तथा विज्ञान आदि सभी प्रकार के विषयों की चर्चा मिलती है|
Unlike professions such as medicine or law which require a practicing doctor or lawyer to possess valid degrees, nowhere in the world is it mandatory for a manager to possess any such specific degree.
Tea came to Europe only in the sixteenth century and was drunk more as medicine than as beverage.
The different systems of medicine developed in different cultures are based on these models.
Suppose it struck, what was the medicine I had to take? There were no medicines in the room.
Among the organised sector, teaching and medicine attract them the most.
Some of the common situations that we encounter in our daily life for example, are the sale of ball pens or some magic medicine or book of jokes in the roadways buses; the sale of cosmetics/ detergent powder, door-to-door sales; and the sale of vegetables by the road side by a small farmer.
In many societies, the shaman, or medicine man (ojha) is a person who is believed to have contact with supernatural forces and is the medium through which spirits communicate with human beings.
संबंधित शब्द चिकित्सा शास्ट्र के पर्यायवाची चिकित्सा शास्ट्र के विपरीत शब्द